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- Retention & Graduation
- Enrollment Insights
- Alumni Outcomes
- Historical Enrollment
- gradSERU Survey
- International Students
- Admission Counts and Preparation
- Campus Culture Surveys
- Faculty Demographics
- One Page Profiles
- IPEDS and Common Data Set
- Additional Reports
Public Dashboards and Reports
Retention and Graduation Rates
Perfect for answering questions about factors that influence retention and graduation rates.
Use filters to explore trends by major, demographics, residential communities, transfer institutions and more.

Enrollment Insights

Track census enrollment trends over time.
Filter by undergraduate and graduate students, degree-seeking status, and continuing education. Break down results by demographics and full/part-time status. Enrollment by Major dashboards include details for students with multiple majors.
Alumni Outcomes and Estimated Earnings
Explore post-graduation outcomes for both undergraduate and graduate students, including estimated earnings and debt. Use filters to view results by college, residency, and family resource category.

Historical Enrollment

CU Boulder enrollment data since 1877 with key historical annotations. Breakdown includes undergraduate vs. graduate students, sex of students, and Colorado residency.
gradSERU Survey
Survey of graduate student experience on over 50 topics like satisfaction, mentor helpfulness and housing and food insecurity. Filter by program, demographics, and thesis or internship status.

International Students at CU

International student counts. Filter by college, demographics, and geographic location.
Admissions Counts and Academic Preparation
View applications, admissions, and enrollment counts for undergraduate and graduate students. Explore standardized test scores (SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT) and GPA data for incoming students. Filter by college, major, and demographics. The graduate dashboard features maps showing U.S. and international locations of bachelor’s institutions.

Campus Culture Surveys

Explore insights from the campus culture survey across seven topics, including Belonging, Incivility, and Discrimination. The campuswide dashboard offers comparisons across 34 groups and 22 demographic filters, with results aggregated at campus and division levels to ensure anonymity. The unit-level dashboard provides results for departments and academic programs with limited comparisons and filters for privacy. The institutes dashboard highlights results from the campus’s 12 research institutes, including CIRES and LASP.
Employee Demographics
Find counts of CU Boulder's tenured, tenure-track, and instructor faculty since 2008. Filter by job titles and departments and explore trends by gender and race/ethnicity.

Single Page Profiles

Get a one-page snapshot of enrollment, majors, academic preparedness, merit scholarships, and geographic details as of the fall census. Fall census counts are essential for benchmarking, reporting to CU system, state and federal agencies.
IPEDS and Common Data Set
Access official university data submitted to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and the Common Data Set (CDS). These standardized reports provide comprehensive information for benchmarking, compliance, and external reporting, including enrollment, graduation rates, admissions, financial aid, and more. Ideal for those seeking detailed institutional data for comparisons or research.

Additional Data and Reports

Members of the CU Boulder community can search over 200 additional dashboards, spreadsheets, PDFs and more.
Access to individual reports may be restricted. IdentiKey login required.