Retention & Graduation Rates for Undergraduate Students

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Retention and graduation rates by incoming first-year undergraduate cohort

Retention, graduation rates and time to degree for first-time, full-time students, the number in the entry population for the current year may be revised at the end of the term

  • Rates by 'entry college' and 'any college'
  • Demographic, RAP/LLC, ACO and greek status filters
  • Enrolled 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th spring/fall
  • Graduated by 4th, 5th, 6th summer
    • Preliminary counts
    • part-time first-year students excluded

Report # 1001

  • Retention & Graduation Rates
  • Demographics
  • Summary Table
  • Residence Hall Table
Population: Undergraduates
Level of Detail: Schools & Colleges, Programs & Majors, Campus/Institution
CU Stats: Graduation Rate, Time to degree, Enrollment, Retention
Term: Fall, Spring
Type: Tableau
Academic Terms Covered: 2024
Demographics: Race/Ethnicity, Residency, Gender, First-gen, Disability

Updated on:
