
Here is a list of all the archived news releases.
Posted Title
Microsoft multi-factor authentication enrollment update
Firewall upgrade will cause network outages morning of November 24
Two new OSes, one recommendation: Wait!
New Zoom update requirements
Technology troubleshooting help in Norlin
Update Microsoft To Do Apps
Visio now available at no cost
Comparing Canvas Scheduler to Microsoft Bookings
Google will update specific Drive-shared links starting September 13
OnTheHub: a more convenient and efficient way to purchase software
Instructors: Start-of-semester Canvas tips
New Zoom features & security best practices
Adobe Creative Cloud available at drastically reduced price
OIT 2020 Accomplishments Report
New login pages and terms of use
Recommendations for hybrid work environments
Google will update specific Drive shared links September 13
Use technology to enhance interactivity in the classroom
Free computer support available through Buff Techs
OIT recommends patching critical Windows vulnerability