OIT Support hours during CU Boulder's remote start

Submitted by krlu2891 on

Following CU Boulder’s winter break, along with the Chancellor’s recent announcement of a remote start for the 2022 spring semester, OIT support will have the following hours from January 3 - 23.

IT Service Center 

The IT Service Center will be operating normally (Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 7:00pm) starting on Jan. 3. The ITSC will have additional open hours the weekend before the semester starts (Jan. 8 - 9) from 12:00pm - 6:00pm. 

Contact the IT Service Center to get help with all OIT services, email and IdentiKey, on campus Internet connectivity, telephone service, and other technology-related questions at 303-735-4357 or via email at oithelp@colorado.edu. Please note: Due to increased volume, wait times may be longer than normal. 

Classroom Support

Support of classroom technology, including Zoom will be available during normal hours (Monday - Friday, 7:30am - 7:00pm) starting Jan. 10. Please use the Classroom reporting form for the fastest assistance. You can also contact the IT Service Center for assistance with classroom support.  

Buff Techs

The Buff Techs will be offering virtual appointments only from Jan. 3 - 23. In-person appointments will resume at the main location in the CASE building and in the Norlin location starting January 24. 

Schedule an appointment with Buff Techs for troubleshooting and diagnostics on personally owned computers, smart phones, printers, multifunction devices, and other personal computing devices, as well as for university-issued devices not managed by Dedicated Desktop Support (DDS).  

Dedicated Desktop Support

OIT’s Dedicated Desktop Support service will be operating normally (Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm) starting Jan. 3. Due to the remote status of the campus, DDS will be offering remote appointments only through Jan. 23. If an in-person visit is needed, a technician will schedule an on-site meeting with you for the following business day or later. 

Enter a support request with Dedicated Desktop Support (DDS) for set up and troubleshooting of individual computers for enrolled departments.