

With VoiceThread, people can have asynchronous group conversations around images, documents, videos and presentations they upload to the site. Once a user shares a VoiceThread, others can comment on it verbally (with a microphone or telephone), with text, by uploading an audio file, or by recording a video with their webcam. Additionally, others can review the comments and see who made them.

Firewall & Server Registration


The campus border firewall is part of a comprehensive and broad-based OIT security program to protect campus users from malicious online attacks. A firewall is a device or set of devices designed to permit or deny network transmissions based upon a set of rules and is frequently used to protect networks from unauthorized access while permitting legitimate communications to pass.


Federated Identity Service

Federated Identity Service is an IdentiKey login system placed in front of some Federated web services. Log in with your IdentiKey when you see Federated Identity Service and follow the on-screen steps. When you jump from service to service that uses Federated Identity Service, you'll only have to sign in once for the duration of your session.

Person of Interest (POI) HCM Records Practices

Background: Campus Computing Accounts (IdentiKey) are created automatically and updated based on information that is stored in University Enterprise Source Systems, HCM and CU-SIS. It is increasingly important that those source system records exist as numerous other university organizations provide IT Services and often operate across organizational lines. We strongly recommend utilizing “Person of Interest” records in HCM to reflect non-payroll service needs as this creates data these providers can reference consistently.

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