Network Connect Connection Instructions (Mac OS 10.7-10.9)


Open a Finder window.


Within Applications, double-click Network Connect to open.


At the Sign In At: text field, make sure it says

Enter your CU Login Name and Identikey Password in the appropriate fields, then click Sign In.


A window will open, displaying your connection. Now when you go to a web page or use an Internet-enabled application, your network activity will be routed through the CU Boulder campus.


Make sure to sign out when finished.


More about your connection

With this standard connection through Network Connect:

  • Your network traffic will be routed through CU Boulder.
  • You should be able to:
    • Access all libraries resources.
    • Access file servers.
    • SSH, remote desktop, CIFS, NFS.

If you are unable to gain access to an on-campus resource with this connection, talk to the administrator of that resource.  Refer them to the help information on the VPN support page.