Outgoing Caller ID Preference Selection

Caller ID Service Enhancement Offers More Options

In May 2011, OIT enhanced the campus caller ID service to, by default, show a caller's 10-digit phone number for calls placed to off-campus numbers. Prior to this enhancement, when calling off-campus, the number displayed was our general number (303-735-5880), which routed to a campus operator. Feedback from academic and administrative departments as well as research institutes has overwhelmingly requested that the functionality be turned on to show the caller's 10-digit number when calling off-campus.

Given this feedback, OIT implemented the caller-ID functionality to reveal a caller's 10-digit number on May 23, 2011, making it the default standard going forward. On-campus calls remain as they did prior to the change, showing the caller's five-digit extension and name.

While a majority of the campus desired this functionality, there are some individuals and areas (i.e. help desks) that prefer not to reveal their phone number for business reasons. For these people, two options are available: provide an alternate on-campus number to a departmental call center, reception center, or administrative assistant for instance, or choose the block option, which would display the general campus number (303-735-5880).

Please note: If you wish to have your 10-digit number displayed for off-campus calls, no action is necessary as this is the new default.

If you wish for your off-campus caller ID to be something other than your personal office phone number, please contact your departmental Telecommunications Liaison and indicate your preference from the options below:

  • General Campus Number Option: the outgoing Caller ID displayed will be 303-735-5880. When 303-735-5880 is dialed, the caller is routed to the campus operator.
  • Custom Number Option: a 10-digit campus number other than the extension associated with the telephone set will be displayed. This option is available for customers who work in call centers, for departments that prefer to have a main departmental number displayed, for that choose to have their outgoing caller ID number route to their administrative assistant, or other business reason.

Please note that no costs will be passed along to your department for choosing any of these options as this service enhancement has already been accounted for in the networking budget.

This service enhancement aligns with the current Flagship 2030 goals, the university's rebranding effort and OIT's campus IT value statement of being more direct and transparent.

If you have feedback regarding this service enhancement, please contact the IT Service Center at oithelp@colorado.edu.