Dynamic DNS


Client systems should be on subnets in private IP address space. Client systems should be participating in the campus Active Directory.


DDNS is easy to use and can ease the management of groups of client systems.

Who can get it

DDNS is available to any client using private IP address space in the campus Active Directory.

How to get it

System administrators of groups of clients participating in the campus Active Directory and using private IP address space can use dDNS simply by:

  1. Assigning each client a unique name within the COLORADO.EDU name space.
  2. Using the campus DHCP service for those clients.
  3. Check the "Register this connection's addresses in DNS" box on the Network Adapter IPv4 advanced properties in the DNS tab for each client.


There is no cost for systems to use dDNS, or DNS. It is simply part of the network campus network infrastructure.