Computing Labs - Find or Reserve a Lab

Lab Locations

OIT labs are available all across campus.

Computer Lab Reservations and Rentals

LST Lab Services, in collaboration with CU Events Planning & Catering and Academic Scheduling, offers computer lab reservations for both CU Boulder teaching and learning needs as well as to external customers.  The same general responsibilities, coverage, response times and escalations are provided to our lab reservation customers are listed on the Service Level Agreement page. 

CU Boulder Departmental Teaching and Learning Reservations

Internal CU Boulder customers needing a computer lab should visit the Academic Scheduling website or (link sends email)email Academic Scheduling for more information about reserving labs based on hardware type and software needs. Please note: CU Boulder academic use takes priority over non-academic scheduling requests.

Daily Department Sponsored and External Customer Reservations

Department Sponsored or External customers (non-affiliates) who wish to reserve a computer lab must contact CU Boulder’s CU Events Planning & Catering department to begin the process of renting a lab. 

For temporary conference account creation, the following groups can use the Request Conference Account form located on the Messaging and Collaboration Request Portal:

  • CU Events
  • CU Conference Services
  • CU Science Discovery
  • Pre-Collegiate

For all other groups, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 or (link sends email)

Reservation and Rental Costs and Availability

Prioritization is given to CU academic use, and follows the Registrar's regular centrally scheduled reservation process. OIT reserves the right to reserve lab spaces for upgrades during Winter, Summer, Fall, and Spring breaks. Costs to rent labs can be viewed in the matrix below:

Rental TypeReservation Costs
(all applicable fees included)
CU Boulder Departmental Rentals for Teaching and LearningFree
Daily department sponsored rentalsFree
All other external customer rentals (includes one conference IdentiKey)

Standard Lab (30 seats or less):
$950 per day

Large Lab (31 seats or more):
$1,150 per day

Additional software not pre-installed in a reserved lab.Will be quoted at time of request, please include needs when reserving labs