OnTheHub: a more convenient and efficient way to purchase software

Submitted by stauffeg on

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) has streamlined and modernized the way software is purchased at CU Boulder with OnTheHub. OnTheHub is a software marketplace designed for higher education institutions that allows CU Boulder students, faculty and staff to quickly purchase and install software when they need it. You now use OnTheHub to purchase software in place of the CU Book Store and the OIT web form. 

Through OnTheHub you can purchase Adobe Creative Cloud, SAS, SPSS, IDL, Nvivo and many other popular titles with a credit card for personal purchases or with a SpeedType for departmental purchases. OnTheHub allows users to look up, download, and obtain license keys for previously purchased software, and also enables faster turnaround times for purchases — from days to minutes.  

Please note that university-provided software is listed in the Software Catalog, but not all of this software is available in OnTheHub. So you should always start with the Software Catalog to search for and purchase university-provided software. Also, OnTheHub, not OIT, will manage support for the products you purchase through the marketplace. 

If you have questions about OnTheHub or purchasing software, please contact the IT Service Center at oithelp@colorado.edu or call 303-735-4357.