OIT’s Research Computing team participates in federal pilot advancing AI research

Submitted by jach7912 on

Under an Executive Order issued by President Biden, the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) launched its pilot project in January. This initiative aims to link U.S. researchers and educators with computational, data, and training resources essential for progressing AI research and AI-infused research endeavors. 

ACCESS Deputy Director Alana Romanella and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Computing Shelley Knuth from CU Boulder’s Research Computing team are spearheading the second working group established under NAIRR. Their focus is on enhancing the overall user experience, offering recommendations to aid researchers in achieving their research objectives. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to accelerate discoveries, foster innovation, and address critical societal and global issues. However, numerous researchers lack the necessary access to AI resources needed to fully conduct their research activities and to train the next wave of researchers. 

NAIRR represents a vision for a shared national research infrastructure aimed at bridging this divide. It seeks to link U.S. researchers with responsible and reliable Artificial Intelligence (AI) resources, along with necessary computational, data, software, training, and educational resources, facilitating advancements in research, discovery, and innovation. This approach not only promotes trustworthy AI but also upholds privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties. 

We are excited to represent CU in this incredibly important endeavor for our nation.  Democratization of access to cyberinfrastructure is a fundamental component of our mission in Research Computing, and engaging in this national effort allows us to achieve even more on a larger scale,” says Knuth.  

If you would like to learn more about upcoming engagements for researchers or other components of the NAIRR Pilot Project, please visit Pilot Project website.