New email quarantine feature to be enabled June 6

Submitted by krlu2891 on

As part of the Mail Security Upgrade project, OIT will be migrating email safety and security technology to Microsoft 365 on Tuesday, June 6, 2023. This effort not only retires out of date systems, but will improve anti-SPAM, anti-malware, and phishing protection for the CU Boulder Campus.

For the most part these services work in the background, unnoticed, but you will start to see notifications that you haven’t received before from Microsoft Defender Quarantine. You’ll receive periodic notifications about quarantined email and have the opportunity to release emails that were legitimate in a self-service manner, saving you from having to open a support case for assistance.

As pictured below, you will receive Quarantine notification emails from when there are quarantined messages to review.

Quarantine notification email


Alternatively, you can also review all the messages in your quarantine by visiting (pictured below). Either way, you’ll have options to Release or Delete emails. In some cases you will see that you'll need to Request Release for messages that need an administrator to approve.

Microsoft defender quarantine website screenshot


Visit the Microsoft Defender Quarantine page for instructions and additional screenshots about releasing emails and adding addresses to your blocked or safe senders list.

If you have any questions about this project or quarantine notifications, please contact the IT Service Center at 303-735-4357 or