CU Marketplace-ordered computers offer enhanced security

Submitted by stauffeg on

The ever-present headlines about hacking, cyberattacks and data breaches tell a story we're all too familiar with: online attacks are becoming more sophisticated and damaging to organizations. Higher education faces the same threats, and CU must adapt by implementing new protections to safeguard the systems and information critical to our operations. In 2022, CU Boulder adopted new baseline security standards for all university-owned computers and servers, which were co-created by OIT and key campus stakeholders.

Beginning on July 19, new Dell and Apple computers purchased through Marketplace will be preconfigured to meet the Secure Computing Standard. The OIT website has more information and instructions for ordering and setup. The Secure Computing Project Team, along with campus IT professionals, have spent countless hours planning and testing the best way to offer secure computers while maintaining flexibility as you pursue your teaching, research, administrative and creative work. With this in mind, we expect minimal impact with the most notable differences in the computer start up and periodic nudges to apply security software updates.

If you have questions about this Secure Computing initiative, please contact the IT Service Center at or 303-735-4357.