Closing the Gender Gap in Tech

Submitted by stauffeg on

Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology and change the image of what a programmer looks like. The Office of Information Technology is partnering in that mission and working to bring free computer science opportunities to girls across our community.Girls use a laptop at a Girls Who Code club.

According to Girls Who Code, 37 percent of computer scientists were women in 1995. Today women make up only a 24 percent share. Also, fewer than one in five computer science graduates are women. Organizations like OIT are working with Girls Who Code to build a supportive community of peers and role models to provide girls with opportunities to deepen their computer science skills and confidence.

This July, OIT will host two Girls Who Code clubs and we are looking for volunteers to help facilitate the curriculum and students to participate. If you’re interested and would like to learn how you can help or know of an interested student, please visit our Girls Who Code page for more information.

Learn more about Girls Who Code.