Off-Campus Network Connections

Submitted by stauffeg on

Start Date & Time

End Date & Time


Issue Resolved: 1 pm
Following trouble shooting measures, off-campus network connections returned to normal.

Issue Update: 12:54 pm
Despite implementing measures that appeared to resolve slow network connections to off-campus sites this morning, the IT Service Center is receiving new reports of slow off-campus network connections. This is affecting both wired and wireless connections. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Issue Update: 10:41 am
A portion of the campus's web security appliances was restarted and network connections to off-campus sites have returned to normal.

Issue Update: 9:41 am
OIT will restart a number of the web security appliances in the next 15 minutes to mitigate slow off-campus network connections.

Issue Start: 9:29 am
OIT is investigating reports of slow off-campus network connections. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.