Changes coming to Google storage

Submitted by stauffeg on

As we have announced previously, Google is planning a substantial change to its service offering. Unlimited storage for the academic community will end July 2022. The new storage model will provide CU Boulder with much less free storage than the campus consumes today. In fact, currently the campus consumes approximately 12 times as much storage as we will be allotted under the new model. In order to ensure that the free storage allocated to CU Boulder is being used for mission-critical functions, the campus’s new quota will be pooled and shared in a manner that prioritizes Google for collaboration with the primary focus being on teaching and learning.  

To ensure we can keep within the new quota, we will be making some significant changes to our service, including eliminating our Google Photos offering and setting individual quotas for Google Drive. Most of the Google storage space is currently consumed by non-Google file types (e.g., Microsoft documents, PDFs, videos, photos, etc.). In the coming weeks and months, OIT will directly email users of Google Photos, Google Drive and Shared Drives to provide guidance on how to download and relocate the files you wish to keep.  

The OIT website has guidance on campus-supported storage solutions where you can relocate your files. If your Google storage exceeds 5 gigabytes, we recommend that you remove files that are no longer needed by you or others with whom they were shared. Here is how you can check your current Google storage usage. Please note that you must be logged in to your CU Boulder Google account to check your usage.

CU Boulder provides a variety of file storage services; however, our ability to create work efficiencies and increase collaboration will require more of us to use a common collaborative environment. CU Boulder has made a strategic investment in Microsoft licenses that will provide not only the storage capacity our campus needs, but also a secure, feature-rich suite of collaborative tools including email, calendaring, voice, chat and storage. Learn how you can make your work more effective and efficient with Microsoft Teams and Office 365.